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Relocation is complete I am now living in Prague. I’ve found one good EBM band here that should be checked out called No Name Desire I’ve started work on music for the second cd, I have one song done and 2 or 3 others in the works. Below are some mp3s of songs from the CD and the art work.


I’ve decided to relocate most likely to Prague. I will be a nomad for the first month or 2 visiting some places I’ve yet to see before deciding on a place to live. Throughout my month or so of traveling I’m going to start working on the second CD and would like to work with some new musician. I will be in Amsterdam starting on the 28th, Munich some time after that beyond that I do not know, but I’m open to coming to you if you’re in Europe. The main thing I’m looking for is female singers, but I'm willing to work with anyone I think can add something to this project. So, if any of what I’ve said appeals to you please contact me.

Also, the first CD will be done before I leave. So, in the next week or two I hope. We are just finishing up on the mastering and art work.


I’m back from Europe. The last song is back from Clint and has now had some female vocals added to it, by Jazmin Lopez. Jazmin is a new contributor to LEF and I hope to work with her more in the future.

So, now it’s on to the final mix down and mastering. I hope to have this done before the end of the year. I also know that is not a realistic because I would rather do other things. So, we will see what transpire.

The CD is coming along well, I’ve got 18 songs that I will probable cut down to 14 or 15. A few new musicians have contributed to LEF. Eon from Beta has done some amazing work on a song and Raven F. from Calear as well as numerous other projects has written a great song that I hope to get someone to do vocals on. I hope to have the CD complete by the end of August.


I have a LEF remix that just come out on the Soul Circuit vs. Diverje remix cd this is available now at DSBP. I was also chosen to do the artwork for this CD, you can view that here. I have a Collide remix that didn’t make it onto the CD you can listen to it as well as an Imperative Reaction remix here.
Other band news
LEF is a side project for everyone that contributes. So
below is news related to other projects some of us work on.

system syn signs to Metropolis Records
The new system syn album, "Postscript," will be in stores on August 23rd 2005.
system syn, live in Germany

system syn has recently been added to the line up for the upcoming "Out of Line - Electro Festivals." Other bands performing at these festivals include Icon of Coil, Hocico, God Module and Spetsnaz.


Clint Carney is finishing up work on the debut album from a side project called 'Fake.' The album, entitled "Los Angeles Synthetic," will be completed by August, and may be released later this year or in the beginning of 2005.

Check out the temporary site for Fake here to learn more about the project.


The new Beta album, "Reflections in Darkness" is complete, and will be released August 2004 on BLC Productions. It features remixes from Agonoize, Skoyz, Schattenschlag, and Implant.


Calear has finished the new CD " Tears of the Son " you can listen to some samples below.


California based short film director, Monica Daniel, surprised system syn, after they returned from their North American tour, with a music video that she directed and produced for the song, "All That Now Has Left Your Reach."

View Video HERE

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